European Babywearing Week 2021: Safe in my arms with Babymoon Care


Today marks the beginning of European Babywearing Week, where we celebrate babywearing in our communities. It is also a day to bring awareness about the history and evolution of babywearing. Babywearing has evolved and continues to evolve. It has been practised for centuries where different communities improvised fabrics and other materials to carry their babies. This was meant to increase mobility of the parent without separating from their child. As this practice kept growing, it gained more attention, followed by research around it. Today babywearing is an evidence-based practice that benefits the mother and child’s physical, mental and social wellbeing.

Geta Rascuic- Founder and CEO Babymoon Care BV 

The European Babywearing Week concept was initiated at the Babywearing Conference in Antwerp in 2016. Rosie Knowles together with members of the corresponding Facebook group from various countries in Europe made EBW 2017 happen. This year’s theme is ‘Safe in my arms’ and it will be translated to all European languages and promoted on social media with the hashtag #EBW2021.

There are several babywearing tools but baby carriers are becoming more popular in the babywearing world each day. Carriers offer ease of mobility; hands-free convenience and they increase the bond between the parent and child. They are also easier to carry compared to prams and strollers therefore reducing the number of products a parent needs to carry. All these are drivers for demand for awareness and influence purchase behavior. Another key driver that influences parents’ decision to purchase a baby carrier is safety. The Babymoon carriers are designed based on traditional Asian carriers to be lightweight and to grow together with your baby. They support the natural C-shape curvature and grow with the baby for each step of their spine development. They are simple to use and equipped with two wide shoulder straps (top rail), a long hip strap and offers multiple buckling options for front, hip and back carry for complete adjustability and even weight distribution without pressure points. The baby’s knees are slightly higher than the buttocks in these carriers and the legs are spread from the hips which also produces a clinging reflex. This position is ideal for the development of the spine and hips of your baby. Babymoon carriers are certified by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute as ‘’hip healthy’’. This means the Babymoon carrier hammock is designed to support the baby’s hips in the safe M-position, supporting the spread-squat positioning of the baby and preventing hip dysplasia.

Furthermore, Babymoon carriers are not just a means of transport. We offer a care package with a range of health benefits to both mother and child. They can also be used to perform Kangaroo Care (KC)- an effective intervention for low birth weight, preterm and term babies that facilitates positive physical, social, and emotional development for the dyad. Functionally, they are very versatile adapting to the growing weight of the baby in a variety of settings and uses – from skin-to-skin Kangaroo Care, to burping, cuddling, discrete breastfeeding and/or mobility of the caregiver.

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